Welcome to St. Xavier's High School, Biraharekrusnapur, Puri, Odisha, India.  

Rules & Regulations


  • A student if remains absent for more than a month without any formal intimation to the school is presumed to have left the school and school is free to take a new admission in the said vacancy.
  • Students are forbidden to take part in any political or other organization likely to result in violence or communal disturbance.
  • No books, other than those prescribed, may be brought to the school premises, without the permission of the school authorities.
  • Any damage done to the school property by the students will be charged. The decision of the Principal regarding the amount to be paid shall be final.
  • Every pupil should endevour to keep up the high standards of the school, by excelling in every sphere of academic life. Pupils will not be allowed to bring articles which may prove a source of disturbance.
  • Pupils suffering from contagious or infectious diseases will not be permitted in the school.
  • Parents/ Guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview the teacher during school hours.
  • Gift (in cash or in kind) to the teachers is not allowed without prior consent of the Principal. No collection for any purpose whatsoever is discouraged without the prior permission of the Principal.
  • Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. It is not advisable for pupils to have money or valuable articles with them in school. The school is not responsible for loss of any goods belonging to the students.
  • A record or the address of Parents/ Guardians is maintained in the school office. Any change should be promptly informed in writing to the school office as well as to the class teacher.
  • Students Performance Certificate and other certificates will be issued only to those who leave school after completing the full Course. If their attendance and conduct are satisfactory. This must be taken within a year or else no such certificate will be issued.
  • Electronic gadgets such as Mobiles, Tablets, IPods, Smart Watch etc are not allowed to school and if found shall be confiscated.